Rohingya Program

In 2017, Myanmar anew launched unprecedented torture, oppression, persecution, massacre and genocide to destroy the entire Rohingya community of Myanmar. As a consequence of brutal crackdown and holocaust of Myanmar Government, around 1 million Rohingy Muslims took refuge in Bangladesh. The influx of Rohingyas becomes the World’s fastest growing refugee crisis and causes a critical humanitarian emergency.

EDAS is one of the pioneers to respond emergency humanitarian, relief and support programs for the Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. As an organization for serving humanity, EDAS has implemented several humanitarian projects for Rohingya refugees and more projects are underway.

EDAS intends to be a partner and implement organization of any foreign donor organization. EDAS welcomes funders, GOs, NGOs and INGOs to implement humanitarian and development projects for Rohingya refugees.

Implemented and on-going projects for the Rohingya refugees:

Project Funded By Activity Outputs Image
Humanitarian Support to Rohingya Refugees (2017-2018) Muslim Charity UK
  • 100 shelter home
  • 100 household materials
  • 25 Sanitation/Toilets
  • 25 shower/bathroom
  • 100 household materials
  • 01 Child friendly Space
  • Water supply
  • Solar light
  • 02 patient ambulances
  • 100 apartheid Rohinga families of 1050 Rohingyas have received shelter, household materials, water & sanitation facilities.
  • Above 3000 Rohingya refugees at 15 to 17 Block of Hakimpara Rohingya Camp have got water and solar system facilities
  • 400 children of Rohingya refugees are getting day care nourishing, learning, ECCD and amusement facilities.
  • Above 28000 Rohingya refugees of Hakimpara Rohingya Camp, Ukiya are getting day-night facilities of emergency ambulance service for Rohingya patients to the Govt & NGO hospitals.
Child Care Home (CCH) 2019- on going ICNA Relief Canada Helping Hand USA
  • Building 15 Child Care Homes.
  • Providing day care management facilities.
  • Providing food, nutrition, clothes, education, recreation and motivation.
  • Estimated 3490 Rohingya refugee children are getting day care facilitation everyday including food, clothes, education and language training, recreation and motivation
  • Children suffered from traumatic crisis are getting redemption through motivation and recreation.
Orphan Support Program (OSP) 2019- on going ICNA Relief Canada, Helping Hand USA,
  • Setting up 03 Orphan
  • Support Centers
  • Providing food, cloths,
  • education, recreation and
  • motivation.
  • Providing financial support.
  • 1335 Rohingya orphans caused by crackdown of Myanmar Forces are getting food, clothes, education and recreation facilities including financial support from donor organizations for their survival.
  • Orphans have got relieved of traumatic pressure and psychological stresses through motivation, recreation and arrangement of family friendly environment.
Women Friendly Space (WFS) 2019- ongoing ICNA Relief Canada IHH Helping Hand USA Human Aid UK
  • Establishing 05 Women Friendly Spaces for Rhhingya refugees
  • Providing motivation, psychosocial development, primary health care, hygiene facilities and recreation.
  • Ensuring skill development training
  • Raising awareness and women empowerment
  • 1200 Rohingya refugee women have the opportunity of getting motivational and psychosocial development session including health and hygiene support.
  • 1200 women have received handicrafts & sewing training. They have started making Nakshikhata (crafted design on cloth) and earning.
  • Orientation, group discussion and recreational activities have encouraged 1200 Rohingya women to make them active and motivated.
Ramadan Food Support Program 2019 Muslim Aid Sweden (MAS)
  • Distributing 1545 food packets for Suhur.
  • Providing 5000 Iftar meal
  • Distributing 1460 Eid gift.
  • 34185 refugees residing in the Rohingya camp of Cox’s Bazar district were benefited during the month of Ramadan and came out of food crisis during the fasting.
Clothes for Eid festivals 2019-20 IHH Human Aid UK
  • Distribution of new clothes to 1000 Rohingya refugee children
  • 1000 Rohingya refugee children received new and colourful wearing dress and became happy during the Eid.
Winter clothes distribution 2019-20 HHRD USA IHH Human Aid UK
  • 5000 blankets distribution
  • Distributing 1500 pieces worm clothes (sweater)
  • Distribution of 1200 pieces scarfeds (scarfing sheet)
  • 5000 Rohingya refugee families got 5000 blankets and saved them from the cold during the winter.
  • 1500 aged Rohingya refugees received 1500 sweaters and they used during the winter season.
  • 1200 women got 1200 ‘Chador’ (scarfing) and they used during the winter season.
Women & children protection and counseling 2017 BUP & Green Tech Foundation
  • Awareness raising campaign and counseling
  • Motivation on women and children safety
  • 10 awareness campaign sessions with 1000 families helped 1000 women including their children aware of women and children protection, trafficking, drugs, arms and refugee camp safety.
Emergency Relief for Rohingya refugees 2017 BUP Green Tech Foundation
  • Relief distribution to 1000 Rohingya refugee families
  • 1000 new Rohingya diasporas families got 1000 packets relief food and instantly they survived with their unfed- children.
COVID-19 Protection and Awareness Campaign 2020 ATTI BGMEA- SEIP AVA
  • Distribution mask to the Rohingya refugees
  • Sanitizers and hygiene materials distributin
  • Awareness campaigning
  • 1000 families have got 10000 piece masks and are using for coronavirus protection.
  • 1000 families have received 1000 packets of sanitizer and hygiene materials and are using to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Proposed project for the vulnerable Rohingya refugees:
EDAS calls on donors and funders to come forward to implementing the projects for Rohingya refugee community in Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh.

Project Funded By Activity Outputs Image
Survival Support to Rohingyas (SSR) Providing shelter , water and sanitation facilities
  • Repairing/ rebuilding 5000 tottering shelter houses.
  • Repairing/facilitating 1250 water and sanitation systems.
  • 5000 families of above 35000 Rohinya refugees will have the facilities to survive.
ECCD learning Centre Facilitating early care and childhood development to the Rohingya refugee children including special needs children.
  • Building up 25 ECCD learning centers.
  • Providing children learning & playing kits, clothes, health care, Tiffin snacks and nourishing.
  • 5000 refugee children (age: 4 – 6 ) shall have access to early care and childhood development and pre-schooling facilities.
RRC (Rohingya Refugee Camp) Primary Schools Providing primary education opportunity to the Rohingya children in Myanmar language
  • Establishing 25 primary schools.
  • Delivering education materials including books, clothes, tiffin and monthly stipend.
  • 5000 refugee children will get access to education opportunity.
RRC (Rohingya Refugee Camp) High Schools Providing high school education to the Rohingya Refugees
  • Setting up 05 high schools in 05 Camps.
  • Supporting education materials including books of Myanmar curriculum, cloths, tiffin and monthly stipend.
  • 5000 adolescent and youth of Rohingya refugee community shall have education opportunity and take part in their community development.
RRC (Rohingya Refugee Camp) Technical and Vocational Training Centre Providing technical, vocational and skill development training to the adolescents and youth.
  • Setting up 5 technical & vocational training centres
  • Providing training on sewing, dress making & tailoring, handicrafts, carpenter, electrical, mechanical, computer, midwifery, paramedical, pathological and home economics.
  • Supporting clothes, tiffin, equipments and stipend.
  • 10000 adolescent and youth girls and boys will be trained up and skilled to serve their community and henceforth crate employability.
  • 20000 girls and women will be trained on home economics, skilled in building healthy family and become able to serve their community.
Adolescent girls friendly space To provide hygiene, health care and recreation facilities to adolescent girls in Rohingya refugee camp.
  • Establishment of 25 adolescent girls friendly space in 05 camps.
  • Provide hygiene, sanitary, vitamins and health care support.
  • 5000 adolescent girls will have the opportunity of keeping good health, healthy physical growth and knowledge raising awareness to counsel their inmates.
Aged Friendly Space To facilitate a friendly social environment for the wellbeing of the senior people.
  • Setting up 05 aged friendly spaces.
  • Provide health care and recreation.
  • 1000 aged refugees will get health care and recreation opportunities in an aged friendly social environment. They will take part in raising awareness of social harmony in the community.
Awareness and Psychosocial Development Training To strengthen social cohesion and increase awareness among Rohingya refugee community.
  • To arrange 100 awareness and psychosocial development training sessions
  • To provide training on Child protection, trafficking, social abuses, drug addiction, family planning, hygiene and environment.
  • 10000 adolescents and youth will be trained and they will foster their society through building skills for adaptability and peace building skills.

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